
Financial Aid shouldn't be about trying to decipher hard to understand information that you're not sure that you're doing it the right way.Ā  I want to use my 12 years' experience as a Financial Aid Advisor to simply the process and actually make it easy, whileĀ helping each and every student to receiveĀ the most in grants, aid, and scholarships available.Ā Ā 


I'm Mike Copelin

Iā€™ve been a Financial Aid Advisor for 12 years at 3 different schools (physical campus and 2 online institutions).Ā  Iā€™ve helped thousands of students complete the Financial Aid process, but more than that I know what factors determine the amount of Grants and Aid available to students.Ā  Iā€™m really good at taking this hard-to-understand information and making it easy. Iā€™ve helped so many students that didnā€™t qualify for Pell Grant for one reason, or another make the necessary adjustments, to become eligible. I started this in an effort to help those out there that want to get their education but are searching for ways to pay for their education without accumulating a lot of student loan debt.Ā Ā 

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My Story

I have a lot of empathy for my students and my ultimate goal is to try to help students be able to pay for their education without accumulating a lot of student loan debt and hopefully without any loan debt.Ā  That is a tall order, and it canā€™t be guaranteed, but what I can guarantee is to help you receive the most available to them in grants, aid, and scholarships based on my 12 years of knowledge in this area.Ā 


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Let's face it, Financial Aid is hard to understand. I want to give you the information you need on a weekly basis.Ā