The Financial Aid is Easy Blog 

Learn the best strategies on how to maximize the amount of grants and aid you can receive as well as other forms of aid such as employee reimbursement, Miliary Education Benefits, and scholarships, all in an effort to make college more affordable.  I will give you tips and strategies on how to complete or update your FAFSA in order to receive the most in Federal Grants that are available to you, while exploring every possible Aid, Grant, & Scholarship available with the ultimate goal of paying for your education without having a mountain of student loan debt in the process.

How to get the most Financial Aid, Grants and Scholarships Available Feb 20, 2025

How to get the most Financial Aid, Grants and Scholarships Available.


The world of Financial Aid can be overwhelming for students and their families.  It is crucial to understand the different typ...

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How to Complete your FAFSA starting with the FSA-ID (Login) Feb 01, 2025

How to Complete your FAFSA and Make it Easy


The 24/25 FAFSA was the first time the FAFSA was changed in many years.  It is still similar but there are some new changes that can make it easier than...

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The 5 ways to receive more in Financial Aid & Grants

Want to learn how to get the most in Financial Aid?

Ready to learn the best strategies on how to maximize the amount of grants and aid you're eligible for? I will give you tips on how to complete your FAFSA in a way to maximize every possible Grant & Aid, plus many other ideas on how to pay for your education without creating a mountain of student loan debt

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